
Dr. David Dyson

Seminar speaker and workshop facilitator for educational, professional development and leadership programs, conferences, corporate training, and patriotic programs for professionals and students.

Sample seminars topics: Earning the Next Level of Attitude, Ability, and Empowerment; Leadership and Empowerment: when to delegate, when to direct; Mastering your Goliaths: Lessons from David; Best Practices for Life Leaders, Professionals, and Best-self Leaders; T.I.M.E. (Time. Inspiration. Money. Energy.), Professionalism Under Stress, Patriotism in Action, The Purpose of Life, Motivating Values and Vision; 7 Areas Organizations and Professionals should Plan, Assess, and Reward; Plan for Life and Profession; Earning and Re-earning Trust: lessons learned from horses and humans; or an adaptation for your meeting needs. David inspires thinking and action- linking philosophy with best practices. Your group will learn and feel inspiration to take action- take notes, make plans, and succeed. You can receive a menu of topics.

David’s professional calling started when selling Bibles door-to-door to earn for college and his first car while learning life success skills. Much of his work focuses on the course he wish he could have taken in school and common denominator actions for Life Leaders, True Professionals, and Best-self Leaders that the next generation of leadership will provide. Dr. Dyson is co-author of “Professionalism Under Stress: Lessons for Professionalism, Stress, and Gunfighting in Military and Civilian Life” and of “Patriotism in Action,” plus author of “Positive Ideas for the 7 Areas of Life” and a book in progress: “Best Practices for Life Leaders.”